Photometric data of the sources detected in NAOS/CONICA H- and K-band (1.6 and 2.1{mu}m) and ISAAC L- and M-band (3.8 and 4.7{mu}m) images of the Galactic Center, obtained in May and August 2002, are presented. For each source, name (if relevant), position offset, H-, K-, L- and M-band magnitude (if available) and observed colors (H-K, K-L and L-M) are given. The position zero-point is RA = 17:45:40.26, DE = -29:00:29.91 (IRS 16NE) in the J2000 system, with an offset of 2.83" (RA) and -0.91" (DE) from Sgr A*. The total photometric accuracy is +/-0.25mag in H- and K-band, +/-0.15mag in L- and M-band, positional accuracy is +/-0.09".