The fully identified complete sample including 150 extreme HBL BL Lacs is presented in Table 1 where we give the source name built with the catalog identification code SHBL (where S stands for "Sedentary" survey and HBL for High energy peaked BL Lacs) and the arcsecond precision optical coordinates of the source taken from the APM and COSMOS on-line services; we give also the RASS name, the X-ray flux (0.1-2.4keV), the radio flux (20cm, from the NVSS survey), and the optical apparent V magnitude (from APM and COSMOS) respectively; we give the redshift when available and the reference for the optical identification. In Table 2 we report properties for five bright elliptical galaxies/low luminosity HBLs in the original sample of high fX/fr sources of Paper I (Giommi et al., 1999MNRAS.310..465G). In Table 3 the 19 rejected emission line AGNs together with their properties are presented.