We present results of astrometric observations of faint V<17mag stars in sky strip areas with ICRF objects obtained with the Kyiv meridian axial circle (D=180mm) equipped with a 1040x1160 CCD micrometer. Observations were carried out in a declination zone of 0+30 degrees. The work resulted in a compilation of a catalogue KMAC1 that presents an extension of the ICRF to faint stars in optical domain. The catalogue was obtained in the two versions: with reduction to the space catalogue Tycho2, <I/259>, (the version KMAC1-T, 159 ICRF fields, 104794 stars) and with reduction to the modern CCD catalogues CMC13 and UCAC2 (<I/289>) which are given also in the ICRF system (the version KMAC1-CU, 192 ICRF fields, 115032 stars). Due to a large number of CMC13 and UCAC2 stars used as reference, the version KMAC1-CU is of slightly better accuracy, though it may inherit local systematic errors of reference catalogues.