We present a list of 130 Galactic Open Clusters, found in the All-Sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 Million Stars (ASCC-2.5). For these clusters we determined a homogeneous set of astrophysical parameters such as size, membership, motion, distance and age. In a previous work (Cat. J/A+A/438/1163), 520 already-known open clusters out of a sample of 1700 clusters from the literature were confirmed in the ASCC-2.5 using independent, objective methods. Using these methods the whole sky was systematically screened for new clusters. The newly detected clusters show the same distribution over the sky as the known ones. It is found that without the a priori knowledge about existing clusters our search lead to clusters which are, on average, brighter, have more members and cover larger angular radii than the 520 previously-known ones.