We have summarized all {Delta}a measurements for galactic field stars (1474 objects) from the literature published over more than two decades. These measurements were, for the first time, compiled and homogeneously analyzed. The {Delta}a intermediate band photometric system samples the depth of the 5200{AA} flux depression by comparing the flux at the center with the adjacent regions with bandwidths of 110{AA} to 230{AA}. Because it was slightly modified over the last three decades, we checked for systematic trends for the different measurements but found no correlations whatsoever. The {Delta}a photometric system is most suitable to detecting magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars with high efficiency, but is also capable of detecting a small percentage of non-magnetic CP objects. Furthermore, the groups of (metal-weak) lambda Bootis, as well as classical Be/shell stars, can be successfully investigated. In addition, we also analyzed the behaviour of supergiants (luminosity class I and II). On the basis of apparent normal type objects, the correlation of the 3sigma significance limit and the percentage of positive detection for all groups was derived.