The Ks-band image which was used for the 3{sigma}-detection was obtained with ISAAC on VLT-ANTU as part of programme 65.N-0577, and has a FWHM of ~0.38". 1072 point-like objects were detected. For the multi-band photometry, we also used the HST archival images obtained by Whitmore et al. (see Whitmore et al., 1999AJ....118.1551W), which we rebinned to the same pixel size as the ISAAC image (0.1484"/pix). The CO narrow band image was also obtained with ISAAC, while the Br{gamma} image was obtained with SOFI at the NTT (programme number 63.N-0528). The Br{gamma} image had a lower image quality than the other two images (FWHM=0.7"). The photometry data were used to simultaneously fit age and extinction for each individual cluster in comparison to an evolutionary synthesis model. Where possible, the visual extinction was determined from an average of the extinction from the broadband fit and from the Hydrogen recombination line ratios (in comparison to the expected Case B line ratio). The age estimate from the fit was, where possible, averaged with the aged determined from equivalent widths and CO index.