Radiative decay rates (A) and line strengths (S) are presented for a large number of electric dipole allowed (E1) and forbidden electric quadrupole (E2), octupole (E3) and magnetic dipole (M1) transitions in Fe IV. The ion is amongst the most complex iron ions and exhibits effects of strong electron correlation. It has closely spaced fine structure levels from seven configurations: 3s^2^3p^6^3d^5^, 3s^2^3p^6^3d^4^4s, 3s^2^3p^6^3d^4^4p, 3s^2^3p^6^3d^4^4d, 3s^2^3p^6^3d^3^4s4p, 3s^2^3p^6^3d^3^4s4d, 3s^2^3p^5^3d^6^ before an energy gap could be noted. Atomic parameters are presented for multipole radiative transitions among the 1275 fine structure levels dominated by these seven configurations. A total of approximately 173000 transitions of type E1, E2, E3 and M1 are presented.