We present the spectrophotometric properties of a sample of 141 emission-line galaxies at redshifts in the range 0.2<z<1.0 with a peak around 0.2<=z<=0.4. The analysis is based on medium resolution (Rs=500-600), optical spectra obtained at VLT and Keck. The targets are mostly "Canada-France Redshift Survey" (<VII/225>) emission-line galaxies, with the addition of field galaxies randomly selected behind lensing clusters. We complement this sample with galaxy spectra from the "Gemini Deep Deep Survey" (<J/AJ/127/2455>) public data release. We have computed absolute magnitudes of the galaxies and measured the line fluxes and equivalent widths of the main emission/absorption lines. The last two have been measured after careful subtraction of the fitted stellar continuum using the platefit software originally developed for the SDSS and adapted to our data. We present a careful comparison of this software with the results of manual measurements.