Our CCD photometry of Nova Scuti 2005 N.2 (=V477 Sct) shows it to be a very fast nova, which is characterized by t_2_=3 and t3_=_6 days, affected by a E(B-V)>=1.3mag reddening, and which peaked at V~9.8mag on ~Oct. 12.0 UT. The nova was probably entering a dust condensation episode or brightness oscillations during the transition phase when it became unobservable for the seasonal conjunction with the Sun. Absolute spectrophotometry shows it to belong to the He/N class. The emission line width at half intensity is 2600km/s. At least five ripples are identified in the high resolution emission lines profiles at radial velocities ranging from -980 to +700km/s. The nova erupted at a large distance from the Sun and at an appreciable height above the Galactic plane, suggesting an association with the Galactic bulge (unusual for a He/N nova). The progenitor was too faint to be recorded on DSS1/2 survey plates, when setting the outburst amplitude to DeltaV>=11mag.