Light curves of the long-period Algols are known for their complex (asymmetry in the eclipse, light variations outside the eclipse, changes from cycle-to-cycle), but their interpretation is not possible in the standard model of binary stars. We determined that complex structures present in these active Algol systems could be studied with the eclipse-mapping method that was successfully applied to the new 7-color photometric observations in the Geneva system of W Cru, belonging to the isolated group of these active Algols. Several cycles of this long-period (198.5-days) eclipsing binary were covered by observations. We used a modified Rutten's approach to the eclipse-mapping. The optimization of the system's parameters and the recovery of the disk intensity distribution are performed using a genetic algorithm (GA). The finding of a primary (hot) component is hidden in thick accretion disk confirms previous solutions. The mass of the primary component, M_1_=8.2M_{sun}_, indicates that it is a mid-B type star. The mass-losing component fills its critical lobe, which, for the system's parameters, means it is a G-type supergiant with a mass M_2_=1.6M_{sun}_. The disk is very extended geometrically, and its outer radius is about 80% of the primary's critical lobe. A reconstructed image reveals the rather clumpy and nonuniform brightness distribution of an accretion disk rim in this system that is seen almost edge-on. This clumpiness accounts for light curve distortions and asymmetries, as well as for secular changes.