The formation and evolution of cosmic structures can be probed by studying the evolution of the luminosity function of the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), galaxies and clusters of galaxies and of the clustering of the X-ray active Universe, compared to the IR-UV active Universe. To this purpose, we have surveyed with XMM-Newton the central ~0.6{deg}^2^ region of the ELAIS-S1 field down to flux limits of ~5.5x10^-16^erg/cm^2^/s (0.5-2keV, soft band, S), ~2x10^-15^erg/cm^2^/s (2-10keV, hard band, H), and ~4x10^-15^erg/cm^2^/s (5-10keV, ultra hard band, HH). We present here the analysis of the XMM-Newton observations, the number counts in different energy bands and the clustering properties of the X-ray sources.