Seismic modelling of the beta Cephei stars promises major advances in our understanding of the physics of early B-type stars on (or close to) the main sequence. However, a precise knowledge of their physical parameters and metallicity is a prerequisite for correct mode identification and inferences regarding their internal structure. Here we present the results of a detailed NLTE abundance study of nine prime targets for theoretical modelling: gamma Peg, delta Cet, nu Eri, beta CMa, xi1 CMa, V836 Cen, V2052 Oph, beta Cep and DD (12) Lac. The following chemical elements are considered: He, C, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, S and Fe. Our abundance analysis is based on a large number of time-resolved, high-resolution optical spectra covering in most cases the entire oscillation cycle of the stars.