An extensive set of oscillator strengths (f), line strengths (S) and radiative decay rates (A) for the allowed and forbidden transitions in Fe XVIII is presented. The results include 1174 fine structure levels of total angular momenta J=1/2-17/2 of even and odd parities with 2<=n<=10, 0<=l<=9, orbital angular momenta, 0<=L<=11, and spin multiplicities 2, 4. These yield about 171500 transitions. The allowed electric dipole (E1) transitions, 141 869 in total, are obtained in the close coupling approximation using the relativistic Breit-Pauli R-matrix (BPRM) method. The forbidden electric quadrupole (E2), octupole (E3), and magnetic dipole (M1), quadrupole (M2) transitions, 29 682 in total, are obtained from configuration interaction Breit-Pauli atomic structure calculations using the code SUPERSTRUCTURE. The close coupling wavefunction expansion for Fe XVIII includes 10 levels of configurations 2s^2^ 2p^4^, 2s2p^5^, and 2p^6^ in the BRPM calculations. All fine structure levels have been identified spectroscopically.