We present high spatial resolution observations in the mid-infrared of the R CrB star RY Sgr obtained with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of ESO's Paranal Observatory and MIDI, the MID-infrared Interferometric recombiner. MIDI combines the light of two telescopes and provides spectrally resolved visibilities in the N band atmospheric window. The observations of RY Sgr were conducted with the VLT Unit Telescopes (UTs) UT1, UT3 and UT4, providing projected baselines in the range of 57-129 meters oriented from PA=34{deg} to 135{deg}. The UTs observations were made during the nights of May 25-26th 2005, June 24-25th 2005, June 25-26th 2005 and June 27-28th 2005. All the observations were made under rather good atmospheric conditions. The files include all visibility data recorded from these observations as well as all the characteristics concerning the observations. The log of the observations is shown in Table 1 of the paper (table1.dat).