Half of the Seyfert-2 galaxies escaped detection of broad lines in their polarised spectra observed so far. Some authors have suspected that these non-HBLRs contain real Sy2 nuclei without intrinsic broad line region hidden behind a dust torus. If this were true, then their nuclear structure would fundamentally differ from that of Sy2s with polarised broad lines: in particular, they would not be explained by orientation-based AGN unification. Further arguments for two physically different Sy2 populations have been derived from the warm and cool IRAS F25/F60 ratios. These ratios, however, refer to the entire host galaxies and are unsuitable to conclusively establish the absence of a nuclear dust torus. Instead, a study of the Seyfert-2 dichotomy should be performed on the basis of nuclear properties only. Here we present the first comparison between [OIII] {lambda} 5007{AA} and mid-infrared imaging at matching spatial resolution. The aim is to check whether the nuclear dust emission scales with AGN luminosity as traced by [OIII].