The Lockman Hole represents the sky area of lowest Galactic line-of-sight columns density. It was observed by the XMM-Newton X-ray observatory in 18 pointings performed between April 2000 and December 2002. The total exposure time spent on the field was 1.16Ms (EPIC pn detector; EPIC MOS detector: 1.30 Ms). The effective exposure after removal of times of high particle background is 637ks (EPIC pn detector; EPIC MOS detector: 765ks). The catalogue lists positions, count rates, fluxes, hardness ratios, and partial optical classifications of 409 X-ray point sources detected in the central 0.196{deg}2 of the field down to a detection likelihood threshold of 10 (3.9sigma). The analysis was performed using the XMM-Newton SAS data analysis package version 6.0.