The solar-age open cluster M 67 (C0847+ 120, NGC 2682) is a touchstone in studies of the old Galactic disk. Despite its outstanding role, the census of cluster membership for M 67 at fainter magnitudes and their properties are not well-established. Using proprietary and archival ESO data, we have obtained astrometric, photometric, and radial velocities of stars in a 34x33arcmin^2^ field centered on the old open cluster M 67. The two-epoch archival observations separated by 4-years and acquired with the Wide-Field Imager at the 2.2m MPG/ ESO telescope were reduced with our new astrometric techniques, as described in the first paper in this series (Anderson et al., 2006A&A...454.1029A). The same observations served to derive calibrated BVI photometry in M 67. Radial velocities were measured using the archival and new spectroscopic data obtained at the VLT.