Analysis of bulges to redshifts of up to z=1 have provided ambiguous results as to whether bulges as a class are old structures akin to elliptical galaxies or younger products of the evolution of their host disks. We aim to define a sample of intermediate-z disk galaxies harbouring central bulges, and a complementary sample of disk galaxies without measurable bulges. We intend to provide colour profiles for both samples, as well as measurements of nuclear, disk, and global colours, which may be used to constrain the relative ages of bulges and disks. We select a diameter-limited sample of galaxies in images from the HST/WFPC2 (Wide-Field Planetary Camera 2 at the Hubble Space Telescope) Groth Strip survey, which is divided into two subsamples of higher and lower inclination to assess the role of dust in the measured quantities. Mergers are visually identified and excluded. We take special care to control the pollution by ellipticals. The bulge sample is defined with a criterion based on nuclear surface brightness excess over the inward extrapolation of the exponential law fitted to the outer regions of the galaxies. We extract colour profiles on the semi-minor axis least affected by dust in the disk, and measure nuclear colours at 0.85kpc from the centre over those profiles. Disk colours are measured on major axis profiles; global colours are obtained from 2.6" diameter apertures. Colour transformations and K-corrections are calculated using SEDs covering bands UBVIJK, from the GOYA photometric survey. We obtain a parent sample containing 248 galaxies with known redshifts, spectroscopic or photometric, spanning 0.1<z<1.2. The bulge subsample comprises 54 galaxies (21.8% of the total), while the subsample with no measureable bulges is 55.2% of the total (137 galaxies). The remainder (23%) is composed of mergers. We list nuclear, disk, and global colours (observed and rest-frame) and magnitudes (apparent and absolute), as well as galaxy colour gradients for the samples with and without bulges, and make them available in electronic format. We also provide images, colour maps, plots of spectral energy distributions, major-axis surface brightness profiles, and minor-axis colour profiles for both samples.