We present the BMW-Chandra source catalogue drawn from essentially all Chandra ACIS-I pointed observations with an exposure time in excess of 10ks public as of March 2003 (136 observations). Using the wavelet detection algorithm developed by Lazzati et al. (1999ApJ...524..414) and Campana et al. (1999ApJ...524..423C), which can characterise both point-like and extended sources, we identified 21325 sources. Among them, 16758 are serendipitous, i.e. not associated with the targets of the pointings, and do not require a non-automated analysis. This makes our catalogue the largest compilation of Chandra sources to date. The 0.5-10keV absorption corrected fluxes of these sources range from ~3x10^-16^ to 9x10^-12^erg/cm^2^/s with a median of 7x10^-15^erg/cm^2^/s.