We performed a detailed membership selection and studied the accretion properties of low-mass stars in the two apparently very similar young (1-10Myr) clusters {sigma} Ori and {lambda} Ori. We observed 98 and 49 low-mass (0.2-1.0M_{sun}_stars in {sigma} Ori and {lambda} Ori respectively, using the multi-object optical spectrograph FLAMES at the VLT, with the high-resolution (R~17000) HR15N grating (6470-6790{AA}). We used radial velocities, Li and H{alpha} to establish cluster membership and H{alpha} and other optical emission lines to analyze the accretion properties of members. We identified 65 and 45 members of the {sigma} Ori and {lambda} Ori clusters, respectively, and discovered 16 new candidate binary systems.