The ESO-Spitzer Imaging extragalactic Survey (ESIS) is the optical follow up of the Spitzer Wide-area Infra-Red Extragalactic survey (SWIRE) in the ELAIS-S1 region of the sky. We present VIMOS I and z band imaging belonging to the ESIS survey. A total of ~4 square degrees were targeted in I and ~1 in z. Accurate data processing includes removal of fringing, and mosaicking of the complex observing pattern. Completeness levels and photometric uncertainties are estimated through simulations. More than 300000 galaxies have been detected in the I band and ~50000 in the z band. Object coordinates are defined within an uncertainty of ~0.2" r.m.s., with respect to GSC 2.2. We reach a 90% average completeness at 23.1 and 22.5mag (Vega) in the I and z bands, respectively.