We present high spatial resolution observations of the close circumstellar environment of the symbiotic system HM Sagittae obtained with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of ESO's Paranal Observatory and MIDI, the MID-infrared Interferometric recombiner. MIDI combines the light of two telescopes and provides spectrally resolved visibilities in the N band atmospheric window. The observations of HM Sge were conducted with the VLT Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) A0, D0, G1 and H0, providing projected baselines in the range of 64 to 89 meters oriented from PA=72 to 127{deg}. The ATs observations were made during the nights of April 04, May 08/10/16, and July 30. All the observations were made under good atmospheric conditions (average seeing ~0.62") with the worst seeing (~1.05") during the night of July 30 2007. The files includes all visibility and differential phase data recorded from these observations as well as all the characteristics concerning the observations. The log of the observations is shown in the third part of table1. The set of data are complementary to the ones corresponding to the first two parts of Table 1 of the paper previously published in Sacuto et al. (2007, Cat. <J/A+A/465/469>)