We use the Spitzer IRAC catalogue of the Galactic Center (GC) point sources (Ramirez et al., 2008ApJS..175..147R) and combine it with new isochrones (Marigo et al., 2008A&A...482..883M) to derive extinctions based on photometry of red giants and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. This new extinction map extends to much higher values of Av than previously available. Our new extinction map of the GC region covers 2.0x1.4deg^2^ (280x200pc at a distance of 8kpc). We apply it to deredden the LPVs found by Glass et al. (2001, Cat. <J/MNRAS/321/77>) near the GC. We make period-magnitude diagrams and compare them to those from other regions of different metallicity. The Glass-LPVs follow well-defined period-luminosity relations (PL) in the IRAC filter bands at 3.6 , 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0um. The period-luminosity relations are similar to those in the Large Magellanic Cloud, suggesting that the PL relation in the IRAC bands is universal. We use ISOGAL data to derive mass-loss rates and find for the Gl ass-LPV sample some correlation between mass-loss and pulsation period, as expected theoretically. The GC has an excess of high luminosity and long period LPVs compared to the Bulge, which supports previous suggestions that it contains a younger stellar population.