Narrow-band surveys to detect Ly{alpha} emitters are powerful tools for identifying high, and very high, redshift galaxies. Although samples are increasing at redshifts z=3-6, the nature of these galaxies is still poorly known. The number of galaxies detected at redshifts below z~3 are also small. We study the properties of z=2.25 Ly{alpha} emitters and compare them with those of z>3 Ly{alpha} emitters We present narrow-band imaging made with the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope and the WFI (Wide Field Imager) detector. Using this data, we have searched for emission-line objects. We find 170 candidate typical Ly{alpha} emitters and 17 candidates that we regard as high UV-transmission Ly{alpha} emitters. We have derived the magnitudes of these objects in 8 photometric bands from u* to K_s_, and studied whether they have X-ray and/or radio counterparts.