To better understand the initial conditions of the high-mass star formation process, it is crucial to study at high-angular resolution the morphology, the kinematics, and eventually the interactions of the coldest condensations associated with intermediate-/high-mass star forming regions. The paper studies the cold condensations in the intermediate-/high-mass proto-cluster IRAS 05345+3157, focusing the attention on the interaction with the other objects in the cluster. We have performed millimeter high-angular resolution observations, both in the continuum and several molecular lines, with the PdBI and the SMA. The millimeter maps reveal the presence of 3 cores inside the interferometers primary beam, called C1-a, C1-b and C2. The lines, specifically N2H+ and N2D+, indicate the presence of two potential pre-stellar condensations (called N and S) not associated with the continuum sources. C1-b is very likely associated with a newly formed early-B ZAMS star embedded inside a hot-core, while C1-a is more likely associated with a class 0 intermediate-mass protostar. The nature of C2 is unclear. Both C1-a and C1-b are good candidates as driving sources of a powerful CO outflow, strongly interacting with both N and S, as demonstrated by the velocity gradient across both condensations. Our major conclusion is that the chemical properties of these pre-stellar cores are similar to those observed in low-mass isolated ones, while the kinematics is dominated by the turbulence triggered by the CO outflow, which can influence their evolution.