We present the X-ray properties of the extremely red objects (ERO) population observed by Chandra with three partially overlapping pointings (up to ~90ks) over an area of ~500arcmin^2^, down to a 0.5-8keV flux limit of ~10-15erg/cm^2^/s. We selected EROs using a multi-band photometric catalog down to a Ks-band magnitude of ~19.3 (Vega system); 14 EROs were detected in X-rays, corresponding to ~9% of the overall X-ray source population (149 X-ray sources) and to ~5% of the ERO population (288). The X-ray emission of all X-ray detected EROs is consistent with that of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) (>~3.5x10^42^erg/s at photometric redshifts z>1), in agreement with previous X-ray observations, with an indication of increasing absorption between the three X-ray brightest EROs and the 11 X-ray faintest EROs.