A high-resolution optical spectrum of EX Lupi was obtained on 2007 July 30 with FEROS at the 2.2m MPG/ESO telescope in ESO La Silla, Chile. The spectrum shows several emission lines in addition to the photospheric absorption features characteristic of the young late-type star. Here we present all emission lines identified in the spectrum, the observed wavelengths and equivalent widths in Angstrom and the full widths at half maximum in km/s, determined by Gaussian fitting. The most prominent emission lines are the Balmer lines of the hydrogen, the H and K lines and the infrared triplet of the ionized calcium, and the helium lines at 5875 and 6678 Angstrom, and in addition more than 200 weak, narrow metallic lines could be identified using Moore's (1945, Contrib. Princeton Univ. Obs., No. 20) multiplet tables.