We investigated the link between the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the dynamical reference frame realized by the ephemerides of the Solar System bodies. We propose a procedure that implies a selection of events for asteroids with accurately determined orbits crossing the CCD field containing selected quasars. Using a Bulirsch-Stoer numerical integrator, we constructed 8-years (2010-2018) ephemerides for a set of 836 numbered near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We searched for close encounters (within a typical field of view of groundbased telescopes) between our selected set of asteroids and quasars with high-accuracy astrometric positions extracted from the Large Quasars Astrometric Catalog (LQAC). In the designated period (2010-2018), we found a number of 2924, 14257, and 6972 close approaches (within 10') between asteroids with a minimum solar elongation value of 60 degrees and quasars from the ICRF-Ext2, the Very Large Baseline Array Calibrator Survey (VLBA-CS), and the Very Large Array (VLA), respectively. This large number of close encounters provides the observational basis needed to investigate the link between the dynamical reference frame and the ICRF.