We analyze the spatial distribution of metals in M33 using a new sample and literature data of HII regions, constraining a model of galactic chemical evolution with HII region and planetary nebula (PN) abundances. We consider chemical abundances of a new sample of HII regions complemented with previous literature data-sets. Supported by a uniform sample of nebular spectroscopic observations, we conclude that: i) the metallicity distribution in M33 is very complex, showing a central depression in metallicity probably due to observational bias; ii) the metallicity gradient in the disk of M33 has a slope of -0.037+/-0.009dex/kpc in the whole radial range up to ~8kpc, and -0.044+/-0.009dex/kpc excluding the central kpc; iii) there is a small evolution of the slope with time from the epoch of PN progenitor formation to the present-time. Description: Emission line fluxes, observed and dereddened of 33 HII regions are presented. Physical and chemical properties, such as electron temperatures and density, ionic and total chemical abundances of He, O, N, Ne, Ar, S, are derived.