Hi-GAL, an open time key-project of the Herschel satellite, was awarded 343 hours observing time to carry out a 5-band photometric imaging survey at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500um of a |b|<=1{deg} wide strip of the Milky Way Galactic plane in the longitude range -70{deg}<=l<=70{deg}. Two 2{deg}x2{deg} fields centred at l=30{deg} and l=59{deg} have been observed with the SPIRE and PACS photometric cameras in parallel mode during the Herschel science demonstration phase (SDP). From the images, compact sources are extracted for which the distance must be established in order to determine their physical properties. The aim of this paper is to present the distance determination strategy for the Hi-GAL compact sources. We illustrate this strategy for the two fields at l=30{deg} and l=59{deg}.