SiO maser emission occurs in the extended atmosphere of evolved stars and can be studied at high angular resolution. As compact, high-brightness components they can be used as important tracers of the dynamics at distances close to the central star. The masers also serve as probes of the evolutionary path from spherically symmetric AGB stars to aspherical PNe. Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of Mira variables indicate that SiO masers are significantly linearly polarized with linear polarization fractions up to 100%. However, no information is available at high angular resolution for SiO masers in higher mass loss OH/IR stars. Theory indicates a different SiO pumping mechanism in higher mass loss evolved stars. We extend the VLBI SiO maser studies to OH/IR stars. The observations enable us to understand the SiO pumping mechanisms in higher mass-loss evolved objects and to compare them with Mira variables. Additionally, polarimetric observations of SiO masers help us to understand the magnetic field strength and morphology and to distinguish between conflicting polarization theories.