We aim to derive the absolute parameters of the components of AD And, AL Cam, and V338 Her, interpret their orbital period changes and discuss their evolutionary status. New and complete multi-filter light curves of the eclipsing binaries AD And, AL Cam, and V338 Her were obtained and analysed with modern methods. Using all reliably observed times of minimum light, we examined orbital period irregularities using the least squares method. In addition, we acquired new spectroscopic observations during the secondary eclipses for AL Cam and V338 Her. For AL Cam and V338 Her, we derive reliable spectral types for their primary stars. Statistical checks of orbital period analysis for all systems are very reassuring in the cases of V338 Her and AD And, although less so for AL Cam. The LIght-Time Effect (LITE) results are checked by inclusion of a third light option in the photometric analyses. Light curve solutions provide the means to calculate the absolute parameters of the components of the systems and reliably estimate their present evolutionary status. AL Cam and V338 Her are confirmed as classical Algols of relatively low mass in similar configurations. Unlike AL Cam, however, V338 Her is still transferring matter between its components, raising interest in the determinability of the evolutionary histories of Algols. AD And is found to be a detached system in which both close stars are of age 10^9^yr and is probably a "non-classical" young triple, at an interesting stage of its dynamical evolution.