We report on the results of the first XMM-Newton systematic "excess variance" study of all the radio quiet, X-ray unobscured AGN. The entire sample consist of 161 sources observed by XMM-Newton for more than 10ks in pointed observations, which is the largest sample used so far to study AGN X-ray variability on time scales less than a day. Recently it has been suggested that the same engine might be at work in the core of every Black Hole (BH) accreting object. In this hypothesis, the same variability should be observed in all AGN, once rescaled by the MBH (MBH) and accretion rate (dm/dt). We systematically compute the excess variance for all AGN, on different time-scales (10, 20, 40 and 80ks) and in different energy bands (0.3-0.7, 0.7-2 and 2-10keV).