We report the discovery of two new transiting planets from the WASP survey. WASP-42 b is a 0.500+/-0.035M_Jup_ planet orbiting a K1 star at a separation of 0.0548+/-0.0017AU with a period of 4.9816872+/-7.3x10^-6^days. The radius of WASP-42 b is 1.080+/-0.057R_Jup_ while its equilibrium temperature is T_eq_=995+/-34K. We detect some evidence for a small but non-zero eccentricity of e=0.060+/-0.013. WASP-49 b is a 0.378+/-0.027M_Jup_ planet around an old G6 star. It has a period of 2.7817387+/-5.6x10^-6^days and a separation of 0.0379+/-0.0011AU. This planet is slightly bloated, having a radius of 1.115+/-0.047R_Jup_ and an equilibrium temperature of T_eq_=1369+/-39K. Both planets have been followed up photometrically, and in total we have obtained 5 full and one partial transit light curves of WASP-42 and 4 full and one partial light curves of WASP-49 using the Euler-Swiss, TRAPPIST and Faulkes South telescopes.