We report the creation of large and well-defined database that combines extensive new measurements and a literature search of 3876 supernovae (SNe) and their 3679 host galaxies located in the sky area covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 8 (DR8). This database should be much larger than previous ones, and should contain a homogenous set of global parameters of SN hosts, including morphological classifications and measures of nuclear activity. Identification of the host galaxy sample is 91% complete (with 3536 SNe in 3340 hosts), of which the SDSS names of ~1100 anonymous hosts are listed for the first time. The morphological classification is available for 2104 host galaxies, including 73 (56) hosts in interacting (merging) systems. The total sample of host galaxies collects heliocentric redshifts for 3317 (~90%) galaxies. The g-band magnitudes, D_25_, b/a, and PA are available for 2030 hosts of the morphologically classified sample of galaxies. Nuclear activity measures are provided for 1189 host galaxies. We analyze and discuss many selection effects and biases that can significantly affect any future analysis of our sample. The creation of this large database will help to better understand how the different types of SNe are correlated with the properties of the nuclei and global physical parameters of the host galaxies, and minimize possible selection effects and errors that often arise when data are selected from different sources and catalogues.