The main paper on the hypergiant HR8752 evolving through the void combines observational data from various sources: new spectral data, new and already published (B-V), V data. it also describes a new three-dimensional chebychev interpolating code, and gives information on the temperature calibration for hypergiants, and adds some extra Tables on colour excess and historical context (cf. below). The electronic appendix contains a number of tables, too large for publishing in the paper. In the text and in the appendix, they are referred to as Table Axx, resp. Cxx. We note, however, that tables A1.1 to A1.6 in Section 2 of the main paper are here referred to as tables appena11 to appena16. The observational tables appena11 to appena16, appena2, appena3, appena4 all refer to Section 2 in the main paper, while tables appena5, appena6, appena7, appena8 are used in Section 3 of the main paper. The technical table appenc1 describes the three-dimensional chebychev interpolation method used in Section 2 of the main paper. The second technical table appenc2 describes the (hypergiant) temperature calibration and transformation codes between Mk, Teff, and (B-V) data, used in Section 3 of the main paper. Table appena9 discusses some measured colour excesses (Section 3.3 of the main paper). Table appena10 discusses the possibility of historical context (Section 5.11 of the main paper).