In this work we analyze the spectroscopic properties of a large number of HII regions, ~2600, located in 38 galaxies. The sample of galaxies has been assembled from the face-on spirals in the PINGS survey and a sample described in Marmol-Queralto (2011A&A...534A...8M). All the galaxies were observed using Integral Field Spectroscopy with a similar setup, covering their optical extension up to ~2.4 effective radii within a wavelength range from ~3700 to ~6900{AA}. We develop a new automatic procedure to detect HII regions, based on the contrast of the H{alpha} intensity maps extracted from the datacubes. Once detected, the procedure provides us with the integrated spectra of each individual segmented region. In total, we derive good quality spectroscopic information for ~2600 independent HII regions/complexes. This is by far the largest nearby 2-dimensional spectroscopic survey presented on this kind of regions up-to-date. Even more, our selection criteria and dataset guarantee that we cover the regions in an unbiased way, regarding the spatial sampling. A well-tested automatic decoupling procedure has been applied to remove the underlying stellar population, deriving the main properties (intensity, dispersion and velocity) of the strongest emission lines in the considered wavelength range (covering from [OII]3727 to [SII]6731). A final catalogue of the spectroscopic properties of these regions has been created for each galaxy.