We designed a spectroscopic observing campaign of a sample of both massive, quiescent and star-forming galaxies at z>1.4, called Galaxy Mass Assembly ultra-deep Spectroscopic Survey (GMASS). To determine redshifts and physical properties, such as metallicity, dust content, dynamical masses, and star formation history, we performed ultra-deep spectroscopy with the red-sensitive optical spectrograph FORS2 at the VLT. Our sample consists of objects, within the CDFS/GOODS area, detected at 4.5 micron, to be sensitive to stellar mass rather than star formation intensity. The spectroscopic targets were selected with a photometric redshift constraint (z>1.4) and magnitude constraints (B(AB)<26, I(AB)<26.5), which should ensure that these are faint, distant, and fairly massive galaxies. Up to 30 hours of spectroscopy of 174 spectroscopic targets and 70 additional objects enabled us to determine 210 redshifts, of which 145 are at z>1.4. We publicly release the redshifts and reduced spectra.