In this paper we present a detailed reddening map of the central 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud; for both community use and as a test of the methods used for future use on a wider area. The reddening, a measurement of dust extinction, acts as a tracer of the interstellar medium (ISM). Near-infrared (NIR) photometry of the red clump stars is used to measure reddening as their fixed luminosity and intermediate age make extinction the dominant cause of colour and magnitude variance. The star formation history derived previously from these data is used to produce an intrinsic colour to act as a zero point in converting colour to reddening values E(J-Ks) which are subsequently converted to visual extinction A_V_. Presented is a dust map for the 30 Doradus field in both A_V_ and E(J-Ks). This map samples a region of 1{deg}x1.5{deg}, containing ~1.5x10^5^ red clump stars which probe reddening up to A_V_~6mag. We compare our map with maps from the literature, including optical extinction maps and radio, mid- and far-infrared maps of atomic hydrogen and dust emission. Through estimation of column density we locate molecular clouds.