In order to study the cosmic ray propagation and determine the magnetic field strength and dominant loss processes in the nearby prototypical starbursting galaxy M82, a multi-frequency analysis at four radio wavelengths is presented. Archival data from the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) was reduced and a new calibration technique introduced to reach the high dynamic ranges needed for the complex source morphology. These data were combined with archival Very Large Array (VLA) data, yielding total power maps at {lambda}3cm, {lambda}6cm, {lambda}22cm, and {lambda}92cm. The data show a confinement of the emission at wavelengths of {lambda}3/{lambda}6cm to the core region and a largely extended halo reaching up to 4kpc away from the galaxy midplane at wavelengths of {lambda}22/{lambda}92cm up to a sensitivity limit of 90uJy and 1.8mJy respectively indicating different physical processes in the core and halo regions. The results are used to calculate the magnetic field strength to 98uG in the core region and to 24uG in the halo regions. From the observation of ionisation losses, the filling factor of the ionised medium could be estimated to 2%. This leads to a revised view of the magnetic field distribution in the core region and the propagation processes from the core into the halo regions.