Variations in the timing of transiting exoplanets provide a powerful tool detecting additional planets in the system. Thus, the aim of this paper is to discuss the plausibility of transit timing variations on the Qatar-1 system by means of primary transit light curves analysis. Furthermore, we provide an interpretation of the timing variation. We observed Qatar-1 between March 2011 and October 2012 using the 1.2m OLT telescope in Germany and the 0.6m PTST telescope in Spain. We present 26 primary transits of the hot Jupiter Qatar-1b. In total, our light curves cover a baseline of 18 months. We also refine the ephemeris of Qatar-1b, which we find to be T0=2456157.42204+/-0.0001BJD_TDB_ and P=1.4200246+/-0.0000007 days, and improve the system orbital parameters.