We present two newly discovered hot Jupiters from the WASP transit survey. WASP-65b (M_pl_=1.55+/-0.16M_J_; R_pl_=1.11+/-0.06R_J_), and WASP-75b (M_pl_=1.07+/-0.05M_J_; R_pl_=1.27+/-0.05R_J_). They orbit their host star every 2.311, and 2.484 days, respectively. WASP-65b is one of the densest known exoplanets in the mass range 0.1 and 2.0M_J_, and is one of only a handful of planets with masses of around 1.5M_J_. The radius of WASP-75b is slightly inflated (~<10%) as compared to theoretical planet models with no core. We present the Radial Velocity measurements, the WASP light curves, and the high-precision light curves for the transiting planetary systems WASP-65, and WASP-75.