We present a study of cyanoacetylene (HC_3_N) and cyanodiacetylene (HC_5_N) in Orion KL, using observations from two line surveys performed with the IRAM 30-m telescope and the HIFI instrument onboard the Herschel telescope. The frequency ranges covered are 80-280GHz and 480-1906GHz. This study (divided by families of molecules) is part of a global analysis of the physical conditions of Orion KL and the molecular abundances in the different components of this cloud. We modeled the observed lines of HC_3_N, HC_5_N, their isotopologues (including DC_3_N), and vibrational modes using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer code. In addition, to investigate the chemical origin of HC_3_N and DC_3_N in Orion KL, we used a time-dependent chemical model.