We present a deep multi wavelength imaging survey (UGR) in 3 different fields, Q0933, Q1623 and COSMOS, for a total area of ~1500arcmin^2^ The data were obtained with the Large Binocular Camera on the Large Binocular Telescope. To select our LBG candidates we adopt the well established and widely used color selection criterion (U-G vs. G-R). One of the main advantages of our survey is that it has a wider dynamic color range for U drop-out selection compared to previous studies. This allows us to fully exploit the depth of our R band images, obtaining a robust sample with few interlopers. In addition, for 2 of our fields we have spectroscopic redshift information that is necessary to better estimate the completeness of our sample and interloper fraction. Our limiting magnitudes reach 27.0(AB) in the R band (5{sigma}) and 28.6(AB) in the U band (1{sigma}). This dataset was used to derive Lyman Break Galaxy candidates at z~3. We obtained a catalog with a total of 12264 sources down to the 50% completeness magnitude limit in the R band for each field. We find a surface density of ~3 LBG candidates arcmin^-2^ down to R=25.5, where completeness is >=95% for all 3 fields. This number is higher than the original studies, but consistent with more recent samples.