We used the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) instrument OSIRIS to obtain long-slit spectra in the optical range 520-1040nm of the planetary host star WASP-43 and of a reference star during a full primary transit event. We integrated the stellar flux of both stars in different wavelength regions producing several light curves. We measure a mean planet-to-star radius ratio in the white light curve of 0.15988^+0.00133^_-0.00145_. We present a tentative detection in the planet-to-star radius ratio around the NaI doublet ({lambda} 588.9, 589.5nm) when compared to the nearby continuum at the 2.9-sigma level. We find no significant excess of the measured planet-to-star radius ratio around the KI doublet ({lambda} 766.5nm, 769.9nm) when compared to the nearby continuum.