The aim of this study is to investigate the structure and kinematics of the nearby candidate first hydrostatic core Cha-MMS1. Cha-MMS1 was mapped in the NH_3_(1,1) line and the 1.2cm continuum using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, ATCA. The angular resolution of the ATCA observations is 7" (~1000AU), and the velocity resolution is 50m/s. The core was also mapped with the 64-m Parkes telescope in the NH_3_(1,1) and (2,2) lines. Observations from Herschel Space Observatory and Spitzer Space telescope were used to help interpretation. The ammonia spectra were analysed using Gaussian fits to the hyperfine structure. A two-layer model was applied in the central parts of the core where the ATCA spectra show signs of self-absorption.