The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is the largest and most sensitive systematic survey of the inner Galactic plane in the submillimetre wavelength regime. The observations were carried out with the Large APEX Bolometer Camera (LABOCA), an array of 295 bolometers observing at 870um (345GHz). In this research note we present the compact source catalogue for the 280{deg}<l<330{deg}and 21{deg}<l<60{deg}regions of this survey. The construction of this catalogue was made with the source extraction routine SExtractor using the same input parameters and procedures as used to analyse the inner Galaxy region presented in an earlier publication (i.e., 330{deg}<l<21{deg}). We have identified 3523 compact sources and present a catalogue of their properties. When combined with the regions already published (see Contreras et al., 2013, Cat. J/A+A/549/A45), this provides a comprehensive and unbiased database of ~10163 massive, dense clumps located across the inner Galaxy.