The formation process of high-mass stars (with masses >8M_{sun}_) is still poorly understood, and represents a challenge from both the theoretical and observational points of view. The advent of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is expected to provide observational evidence to better constrain the theoretical scenarios. The present study aims at characterizing the high-mass star forming region G35.20-0.74N, which is found associated with at least one massive outflow and contains multiple dense cores, one of them recently found associated with a Keplerian rotating disk. We used the radio-interferometer ALMA to observe the G35.20-0.74N region in the submillimeter continuum and line emission at 350GHz. The observed frequency range covers tracers of dense gas (e.g., H^13^CO^+^, C^17^O), molecular outflows (e.g., SiO), and hot cores (e.g., CH_3_CN, CH_3_OH). These observations were complemented with infrared and centimeter data.