The Sagittarius dwarf irregular (also known as SagDIG or UKS 1927-177) is a gas-rich, low-metallicity and star-forming galaxy, at the outskirts (D~1.1Mpc) of the Local Group. Projected relatively close to the Galactic center [(l,b)=(21.06,-16.29)] the resolved stellar populations of this galaxy reflects a strong Galactic foreground contamination, attributed to the thin and thick disk and the halo. This has so far hampered the reconstruction of its star formation and chemical enrichment history, and studies of individual stars. We have analyzed two ACS@HST data-sets (GO-9820 and GO-10472) that were collected in August 2003 and June 2005, having a ~1.85 years epoch separation. The data has allowed the derivation of the relative proper-motion for the SagDIG stellar population and reduction of the heavy foreground contamination. This provides a much clearer view of the red stellar populations (young RSG and intermediate-age AGB as well as the old RGB and AGB). The ACS/WFC data was collected in the F475W, F606W and F814W HST filters, and the published table provides a photometric calibration of the ACS/WFC filters that follows Bedin et al. (2003AJ....126..247B). This is based on the Vega spectrum and follows the recipes given by Holtzmann et al. (1995PASP..107..156H) for WFPC2, using the most updated in-flight characterization of the camera (Sirianni et al. 2005PASP..117.1049S). Besides the reported magnitudes and their relative errors, we also provide the pixel-based offset between the two F814W epochs, which is used to separate the SagDIG stellar population from the Galactic foreground (see Sec.3 of the paper for details).