We report the discovery of two hot-Jupiter planets, one orbiting each star of a wide binary system. WASP-94A (2MASS 20550794-3408079) is an F8 type star hosting a transiting planet with a radius of 1.72+/-0.06R_Jup_, a mass of 0.445+/ 0.026M_Jup_ and an orbital period of 3.95 days. The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect is clearly detected and the measured projected spin-orbit angle indicates that the planet occupies a retrograde orbit. WASP-94B (2MASS 20550915-3408078) is an F9 stellar companion at an angular separation of 15" (projected separation 2700AU), hosting a gas giant of minimum mass 0.617+/-0.028M_Jup_ with a period of 2.008-days, detected by Doppler measurements. The orbital planes of the two planets are inclined relative to each other, indicating that at least one of them is inclined relative to the plane of the stellar binary. These hot Jupiters in a binary system bring new insights into the formation of close-in giant planets and the role of stellar multiplicity.